Developing Wellness is a Great Place to Work!

Thank you for your interest in applying for a position at Developing Wellness Behavioral Center. We have created a unique work environment that allows our staff to fully use their education, training and skills while helping those with behavioral disabilities.

While our workplace is very friendly, the development of individuals is in our hands, therefore, we take our mission very seriously and always strive to exceed expectations. We do whatever it takes to ensure that everything we do is in our clients’ best interest.

We are extremely selective when choosing candidates for all positions at our center. We are looking for people who have a particular demeanor, drive and passion for working with individuals who are in need of our exceptional services.

If you have questions, Please do not hesitate to contact us at (786) 703-5921 or via email at

The two types of positions that you can apply for are:

RBT                                                                                                      BCaBA/BCBA

This is the documentation you must submit for employment consideration.

Required Documents

Required Certifications (In-Services)

Required documents by AHCA

Required Personal Documents
